Low Vision

Low Vision is a condition in which vision cannot be corrected by glasses, contacts, surgery or medicine.
People who have vision loss are said to be visually impaired or to have Low Vision and their vision loss is usually caused by an underlying eye disease such as:
- Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD)
- Diabetic Retinopathy
- Glaucoma
- Cataracts
- Other eye diseases and conditions
Those with Low Vision typically have difficulty reading, writing, watching television, recognizing people’s faces or engaging in other daily living tasks. Fortunately, the visually impaired can be helped with a service called Low Vision Care.
We can offer expert Low Vision Care, whereby we assess your visual needs and between the whole team here at Pybus, we will advise you on all the possible solutions. These solutions may be low vision aids including both magnification devices such as stand or hand-held magnifiers and non-optical products such as specific task lighting.